A Good New Friend?

A Good New Friend
i agree all your invitation我答应你所有的邀请you never answer any of my question你从来不回答我的问题i’m not your kitty but you are a beach我才不是你的小猫咪,但你是碧池waiting for man to pay for you等待着男人来找你there’s nothing i can learn from you我没什么可以向你学习and our friendship is based on alcohol 我们的友情充斥着酒精you owe me true heart 你欠我一份真心what you give me is only perfunctoriness你的敷衍我受不起betrayal,betrayal,betrayal,betrayal背叛,背叛,背叛,背叛i’m not your kitty but you are a beach我才不是你的小猫咪,但你是碧池waiting for man to pay for you等待着男人来找你i rather make friends with what you deserve<爱尬聊_健康养生> 我不如和你应得的背叛为友and our friendship is based on我们的友情充斥着酒精alcohol, alcohol is bad for you酒精危害你的身体why don’t you don’t you make yourself a beacher beach你何不试着成为更大的碧池you surely will相信你可以now to make friend with betrayal is my only choice和背叛为友是我最终的结局look betrayal, pretty guy, is my good new friend看看背叛,它多美丽,我和背叛之间美妙的友情betrayal,betrayal,betrayal,betrayal背叛,背叛,背叛,背叛

编曲:养鸡,GG Lobster制作人:GG Lobster录音:GG Lobster混音/母带:GG Lobster厂牌:赤瞳音乐母带版权归属:太合麦田音乐有限公司词曲版权代理:北京大石音乐版权有限公司
编辑 举报 2023-04-07 11:33


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